RTA Hosts Human Trafficking Speaker Program – at a Rapid Station

Wed 1/29 @ 4:30-5:30PM

Usually, speaker programs on current issues are held in local libraries, churches, schools, meeting rooms at community centers, not rapid stations.

But that’s where Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA) and the Cleveland-based Collaborative to End Human Trafficking will be holding a program to share information about human trafficking in northeast Ohio, what can be done to combat it and what a consortium of organizations is already doing. It’s taking place at the Stokes Windermere Rapid Station.

Officials from the RTA will talk about the programs they already have in place. They include Safe Place, where any individual can board a bus or train and ask the operator for help. Operators are trained to connect supervisors or transit police to connect that individual with the help they need. Riders can also contact transit police dispatchers if they see something that doesn’t seem right. RTA is also promoting its efforts through ads on buses and trains.

“We make sure operators are trained to spot indicators of human trafficking, which can include people who seem to be denied freedom of movement, who appear coached in talking to authorities, or who don’t have identification. RTA operators have instant access to Transit Police dispatchers, who can be on the scene within minutes to provide assistance,” says RTA CEO/general manager India Birdsong.

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