Sat 12/30 @ 8PM
A couple of years ago, local reggae promoter/DJ Packy Mally (yes, a scion of THAT Malley family!) decided to apply for the Peace Corps — and was accepted. Although he said he’d enjoy going some place new, the Peace Corps decided he was a perfect fit for reggae’s homeland, Jamaica, where he’d been many time before.
He left for his assignment in the farming community of Coleyville in March, where he encountered a whole host of problems to help solve. As he shared on his social media, “The limited access to financing, the high cost of capital, soaring labor and energy costs, inadequate research and development are just some of the problems facing the Jamaican farmers. Then there is the devastating impact of natural disasters, pest infestation, deplorable road conditions and praedial larceny (the stealing of crops, livestock, fish, ag products).”
Packy’s coming home for a break, looking forward to “see family, friends, enjoy some good food, using a washer and dryer and taking hot showers.” But he’ll be thinking about his new friends on Coleyville, and while he’s here, he’s snagged the Beachland Ballroom to stage a benefit for them. The money raised will go to building and repairing two miles of road they need to expedite getting their crops to market.
Among the musicians who’ll lend a hand with their talents are jazz sax player Ernie Krivda, Johnny Cash tribute vocalist Terry Lee Goffee, reggae artist J.R. Blessington and the Flex Crew, plus other special guests.
He also shares, “I am working on a Willie Nelson type of Farm Aid concert that we will call Farm Jam(aica). With the help of a lot of entertainers this is something I am excited about. We are planning on a June 8th concert. This is very exciting to me. This concert would be a countrywide benefit that could make a big impact.”
Stay tuned. If you can’t make it to the evening at the Beachland (get tickets here), you can make a donation here.