High School and College Artists Showcased at Valley Art Center Emerging Young Artists Show

Fri 3/22 @ 6-8PM

One of the things that makes northeast Ohio’s visual arts scene so vibrant is the diversity of its artists in many areas, including level of experience. It’s not hard to find the scene’s more seasoned artists; they’re widely exhibited and generally have strong online presences. But finding promising young talent can take a bit more work.

That’s why shows such as the 3rd Annual Emerging Young Artists Exhibition at Valley Art Center, which opens this weekend, are so helpful. There you’ll be able to see work by more than sixty northeast Ohio artists between the ages of 16 and 22, juried by VAC’s new education program manager Hannah Bates. Many of the artists in the show attend areas schools such as the University of Akron Myers School of Art, Case Western Reserve University, Kent State University, and the Cleveland Institute of Art, or local public and private high schools.

Come to the opening reception on Friday March 22, and maybe you’ll have a chance to meet and chat with that young artist whose piece caught your eye. It’s free and open to all. The show will be on view through May 5.


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