Wed 4/3 @ 7:30-8:30PM
Buried in the dense fog of hateful verbiage about immigrants, “illegals” and “The Border!!!!!” is the truth about who is coming to this country, why they come, and the value they contribute to our economy and our culture.
In fact, many are refugees, escaping violence and persecution around the globe. They come from places such as Afghanistan, Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. And they tend to be risk-takers who want to work and improve their lives — which is why they fled to a country with a different language and culture where they don’t know the customs. Since 2010, Refugee Response, which last year adopted the more generic, opaque name Re:Source Cleveland, has been helping these people get settled, take language classes, get their kids in school, learn valuable skills, and find housing. In February, Cuyahoga County added to the resources with its new Welcome Center in Old Brooklyn, which will provide access to workforce training, education, health care, housing, legal support and language learning.
Patrick Kearns, executive director of Re-Source Cleveland, will be speaking at the Happy Dog in Gordon Square for “The Happy Dog Takes on Empowering Our Refugees” program about these newcomers and how they help them become an asset to this shrinking region. It’s co-hosted by the City Club. It’s free and open to all.
The program will also be livestreamed on the City Club website starting at 7:30pm. If you have questions, tweet them to @TheCityClub or text 330-541-5794.