The North Coast Men’s Chorus Parties Hardy for Mardi Gras

Sat 2/16 @ 6:30-11PM

If you’ve ever been to one of their shows – and if you haven’t, please put it on your to-do list — you know that the North Coast Men’s Chorus knows how to have a good time. And that’s true on and off stage.

One place to experience these fun-loving guys is at their annual Mardi Gras celebration, taking place for the 10th year at Windows on the River on the West Bank of the Flats. You’ll get to hear the chorus perform, while partaking of New Orleans-style food and participating in live and silent auctions, a best mask contest and the mystery French Quarter wall packed with prizes. Masks and costumes are highly encouraged — not required but why not get in the spirit of the evening?

Tickets are $70 and benefit the NCMC and its youth outreach program along with its charity of the year, Talespinner Children’s Theatre, which appropriately is known for its own spectacular costumes and masks.

For more info and tickets go to northcoastmenschorus/mardigras2019.

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