Sun 7/24 @ 1PM
If you’re steaming mad about the escalation of attacks on reproductive rights by rightwing politicians since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade a month ago, don’t sit in the house and fantasize about those (mostly male) politicians getting pregnant and being forced to give birth to octuplets, although that would change their minds pretty fast, we have no doubt.
Come out to Shaker Square for a “Roe Your Vote” Rally. Sure, we’ve all heard it’s hopeless and Republicans are going to take over in November and end the human rights of everyone who isn’t a straight, white “Christian” male but don’t think they have it in the bag. It depends on getting out to vote and getting all your friends to go too.
Speakers include Cleveland city council president Blaine Griffith, Democratic candidate for county executive Chris Ronayne, state representatives Juanita Brent and Kent Smith, and CWRU professor of law Jessie Hill who specializes in reproductive rights issue.
All are welcome!