Ohio City Farm Hosts Free Tours & Pop-Up Shop

Sat 7/17 @ 10AM-1PM

If you’ve been thinking to yourself, “I should stop by that intriguing-looking purple farm stand at the Ohio City Farm some Saturday morning,” this Saturday is the ideal time to do so.

In addition to offering the usual mix of fresh produce grown right there in back of the stand, hot sauces, herbs and spices, Refugee Response, which runs a farm on the site, has invited Butterpear and the Microenterprise Development Program at US Together to be with them to sell their handmade artisan wares including clothing, jewelry and artwork.

In addition, Refugee Response executive director Patrick Kearns will be conducting free tours  of the farm at 10 and 10:30am where you can learn about the farm and how it trains people who were farmers in the countries they had to flee from to grow in Ohio’s climate and become self-sufficient. Storehouse Tea Company will be providing free ice tea. No registration is required; just meet Patrick at the farm’s gates by the farm stand.



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