Bike Cleveland Hosts Summit to Get Public Input on Future Priorities

Sun 11/11 @ noon-5pm

Seven and a half years ago, a variety of organizations and individuals with an interest in encouraging bicycling in Cleveland came together and formed Bike Cleveland.

According to the group’s website, “In May 2011, after 18 months of meetings, ideas, and a lot of hard work, 45 local cyclists attended a “birthing ceremony” and Bike Cleveland was born! In quick succession, we were incorporated with the State of Ohio, the board was nominated and confirmed, and the inaugural board meeting was held in August. The following month, 125 stakeholders gathered to confirm the mission, vision, and values. They also developed the first action plan for Bike Cleveland.”

In that time the group has continued its advocacy for safer streets for all, helped birth a Bike Share, and sponsored many events and educational programs. By virtually every measure, interest in cycling as grown in those years, as evidenced by the success of events such as NEOcycle and Open Streets Cleveland.

But the group is also looking ahead to what new territory there is to conquer. It recently completed a “Strategic Plan Survey,” and now it’s looking for input into the results. It’s inviting all interested parties to attend its Bike Summit at North Collinwood’s LaSalle Theatre to offer their ideas on the best ways to make Cleveland even more bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly, as well as to meet and network with others, and become more involved in the bicycling community.

It’s free (Although donations and renewed memberships are appreciated), and all are welcome but space is limited, so register as soon as possible. Snacks will be provided, and there will be a post-summit social event at a nearby location to be announced later.

Cleveland, OH 44119

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