John McGrail and Jean Brandt Join for an Evening of Music at Tremont’s Visible Voice Books

Fri 10/12 @ 7:30PM

Jean Brandt is best known to Tremonsters as proprietor of one of Tremont’s first galleries and the impetus behind the long-running Tremont art walks. But she is also a musician and poet (as well as a practicing attorney: talk about multitasking!) who loves to experiment with the boundaries of music and art.

Folksinger John McGrail has been part of the Cleveland music scene for decades, regaling audiences with his heartfelt and often politically leftwing songs. And while much of his music is traditional and recognizable to any coffeehouse denizen, he also likes to experiment with interesting sonic textures, odd meters, looping, programming and more.

The two are coming together to perform at Tremont’s Visible Voice Books, an informal setting where boundaries, walls and expectations are meant to be broken. Grab a seat at a table and enjoy a pastry and glass of wine from Visible Voice’s selection, or bring up a pizza from Crust downstairs. It’s free and open to all.

Visible Voice Books

Cleveland, OH 44113

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