Destination Cleveland CEO David Gilbert Talks About GOP Convention, Arts Levy @BopStopCle


Mon 10/19 @ 3:30-6PM

It’s being billed as an Arts and Culture Roundtable. But the program at the Bop Stop with Destination Cleveland President/CEO David Gilbert will be dealing primarily with how Cleveland landed the 2016 Republican convention and what it means for the city. As head of the 2016 Republican National Convention Host Committee, he’ll give an update on how plans are moving forward for what’s sure to be an interesting and unusual event. (He’s not responsible for the protests and counter-events). There’ll be a Q&A period after his presentation, followed by an update from his staff about the Issue 8 campaign to renew the arts & culture levy.

The program, sponsored by the Community Partnership for Arts and Culture (CPAC), lasts from 3:30-5pm, followed by an hour to buy drinks and mingle with other attendees. It’s free.

Cleveland, OH 44113


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