Enact Leelah’s Law to Ban Transgender Conversion Therapy #LeelahAlcorn


Make Leelah Alcorn’s death mean something. Sign the petition to enact Leelah’s Law to protect the lives of transgender youth by banning the use of transgender conversion therapy, a controversial practice that’s been documented to cause great harm to transgender people. Instead of accepting gender dysphoria as is, conversion therapy, as the name implies, urges transgender people to reverse their gender identity, spreading the belief that they’re wrong for claiming one gender over another. This is particularly harmful to transgender youth, who need support, not “conversion.”

Leelah Joshua Alcorn was forced by her parents to attend conversion therapy. Then, on 12/17/14, she had enough, writing a Tumblr post about the isolation she felt as a transgender youth, and ending her life by stepping in front of a semi on a highway in southern Ohio.

From her post, which has been removed: “My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say ‘that’s fucked up’ and fix it. Fix society. Please.”

We encourage you to sign the petition as a start to fixing society.



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One Response to “Enact Leelah’s Law to Ban Transgender Conversion Therapy #LeelahAlcorn”

  1. Robert Morgan

    This has to stop. We are all human.

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