Free Improvising Trio Spectral Kicks Off a Musical Tuesday at the BOP STOP

Tue 4/17 @ 7PM

A quiet Tuesday evening isn’t so quiet at the Bop Stop, where Spectral, a free-improvising project featuring Dave Rempis and Larry Ochs on reeds, and Darren Johnston on trumpet will kick off a full evening of music.

The three musicians came together in late 2011 to perform at Oalkand, California’s Uptown Nightclub and discovered that something immediately clicked. In 2012, they did some more performances and their first studio recording and since then, these busy players get together from time to time to perform, tour and record between other projects.

Following their performance at 9pm, the monthly Outlab: Experiments in Improvised Music takes place. Bring your instrument for some interactive musical explorations, perhaps inspired by Spectral’s performer. Anyone with an open mind and open ears is welcome to participate.

The concert is $15; Outlab is free.



Cleveland, OH 44113

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