There’ll Be Bicycles Everywhere During Three-Day NEO Cycle Festival

Fri 9/8-Sun 9/10

NEO Cycle is only in its fourth year, but it’s already boasting that it’s the largest urban cycling festival in the country.

And it is BIG. It’s three days featuring all kinds of rides, from easygoing, family-friendly ones to races for highly skilled athletes. And cyclists of all skill levels won’t want to miss the 7:30pm Saturday Night Ride, which takes riders over a seven-mile looped course along the West Shoreway, which will be closed for the occasion. Between the city skyline views and the thousands of glowing bikes, it will be one of the most breathtaking rides you’ve ever been on.

The event also features the Hub at Edgewater Park, which offers bike-related services and products, food and drink, miniature golf, giant board games, hands-on art-making, a yoga class and a stage with music all day Saturday and Sunday. There’s even a doggie dock jumping contest. No, your dog doesn’t have to ride a bike.

Most of the activities are free. Find a full schedule here.


8701 Lake Shore Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44108-1069



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